Friday, October 30, 2015

Works of Art

Task A: Look at the picture, and describe what you see: what are the men doing?. Visit the Cork Museum link: There's a very interesting exhibition about local painters.

   A Graffitti Art Project
    Task B: Watch this video about a Graffiti Art Project called
    'City Lights' in Melbourne (Australia). Write an essay, explaining
    what a graffiti is, where can we see them, and how do you like

    Task C: Choose one of the 10-Top pictures to
    make an interesting description.

     D: Australian Body-Art Festival

          (1st-2nd century BC)

 * Choose one of these writing options A, B, C, D or E to talk  
  about about an artistic representation:

   1. Describe the work.
   2. Say where can you find/see it.
   3. Say how do you like it and why.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Restaurant Reviews

Watch this link Costa Brava Restaurants' Review and think about these questions:

 1. Make a list with the positive questions you
      see and/or experience next time you go to a
              restaurant with your family, and then, write your
                       personal review about that place.
                    2. Then, hand your text to me for correction. We can
                        make a class poster to share your preferences.

Writing Tips: Wild Animals

Wild Animals: London
Learning English: Wild Animals in London City!

Remember the text about Hippos living in African reserves in Kenya? (WB p. 7) You can watch the video above and answer the activities it has. Are there any differences between the African reserves and the London rescue center?

Today we can watch the video for fun!
                      You can also pay a look at this link: 

Enjoy yourself
checking your
English knowledge 

                                            1, 2, 3... Action! by Burlington

                                           * Course Timing!

         English Course Presentation: Academic year 2015-16
with SymBalOOO!!!